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Coronectomy in Hoboken, NJ

Coronectomy: An Alternative to Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Hoboken, NJ

Hoboken Oral Surgeons, LLC provides coronectomies for patients at high risk of nerve damage from wisdom tooth extraction in Hoboken, NJ. Call 201-659-6999 to learn more or schedule your appointment.

Removing the third molars, or wisdom teeth, is a common preventive care measure. Wisdom teeth often become impacted, or cause tooth crowding as they erupt. Sitting at the very back of your mouth, they are also difficult to clean and therefore at elevated risk for decay. Yet wisdom teeth are not always simple to remove. In some cases, the roots of the wisdom teeth in the lower jaw are too close to either the lingual nerve or the inferior alveolar nerve, posing a strong risk of nerve injury if they are removed. Fortunately, a coronectomy may provide a safe solution.

How Do I Know if My Wisdom Teeth Are Close to a Nerve?

Wisdom teeth are the last of three sets of molars to erupt. They are the least necessary teeth in the mouth, and the teeth most likely to have problems. They may never emerge or may partially emerge, and may end up in a position that causes problems for the rest of your teeth.

What Is a Coronectomy?

In a coronectomy, we will remove the crown of the tooth leaving the roots intact.  We then thoroughly clean any unhealthy tissue and seal the gum tissue. As bone heals over the roots, most of our patients continue without any pain or symptoms and the area is now easily cleaned.  In a very small percentage of cases, the roots will eventually erupt and need to be treated. If this happens, though, they will be far enough away from the nerve to be safely removed.

What Should I Expect?

In some ways, a coronectomy is similar to a full wisdom tooth removal. However, since the roots are still there, your symptoms should be greatly reduced. You may have some swelling, but it will likely be much less severe. You are also far less likely to develop an infection or a dry socket. Be sure to follow all after-care instructions and take any prescribed antibiotics as directed and we will closely monitor you after the procedure.

Is a Coronectomy Right for Me?

It is generally best to remove the entire wisdom tooth, including the roots, when possible. If your roots are too close to a nerve, though, a coronectomy may be the best option. If infection is present or the tooth or roots are mobile, then we may need to explore a different solution instead.

If you have been told that wisdom tooth extraction would put you at high risk for nerve damage, call 201-659-6999 to schedule your appointment.